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definition varices5Définition

Varicose veins are permanent dilations of a superficial vein usually in the lower limbs that are initially bluish and thin; they then become more visible, sinuous and winding, hampering the circulation of blood towards the heart.

They are the site of a blood reflux that only Doppler examination can detect.

Where do we find varicose veins ?

Most often varicose veins are found on the legs and are located either inside the calf (varicose saphenous), or behind and outside of the calf varicose saphenous).

However, they may appear at the vulva (vulvar or perineal varices), anus (hemorrhoidal veins) or scrotum (varicocele). Varicose veins are also found on the hands, the feet (plantar veins), face or chest.


Causes of varicose veins

Veins transport blood from the feet up to the heart. When the veins are defective and no longer do their job, the blood goes down to the foot, dilates the veins and causes varicose veins.

Reflux is then formed from leakage points. The leakage point is an opening between deep veins and superficial veins. It creates an extra pathway for blood which is responsible for the dilation of varicose veins.

This leakage point, may be located in the groin (the saphenous butt) or at the perforating veins (veins that perforate the muscle from the deep veins to the superficial veins). These perforating veins may be found at various levels from the groin to the feet.

It is from the defective valves which are supposed to be "anti-reflux", that varicose veins arise.


Why does one develop venous insufficiency ?



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Centre Varices Casablanca

Center Medical examinations Everything about varicose veins Treatment varicose Vascular diseases
About us Echo-Doppler examination What is a varicose vein? Sclerotherapy Phlebitis
Partners Continuous Doppler Venous system Foam Echo Schlerotherapy Diabetic arteritis
Contact Pressotherapy   Laser vascular  
      Surgical treatment  
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237, Bd Zerktouni, Rond Point Racine Casablanca - Maroc
Consultation sur rendez vous au
0522 94 38 96 / 97

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definition varices5Définition

Varicose veins are permanent dilations of a superficial vein usually in the lower limbs that are initially bluish and thin; they then become more visible, sinuous and winding, hampering the circulation of blood towards the heart.

They are the site of a blood reflux that only Doppler examination can detect.

Where do we find varicose veins ?

Most often varicose veins are found on the legs and are located either inside the calf (varicose saphenous), or behind and outside of the calf varicose saphenous).

However, they may appear at the vulva (vulvar or perineal varices), anus (hemorrhoidal veins) or scrotum (varicocele). Varicose veins are also found on the hands, the feet (plantar veins), face or chest.


Causes of varicose veins

Veins transport blood from the feet up to the heart. When the veins are defective and no longer do their job, the blood goes down to the foot, dilates the veins and causes varicose veins.

Reflux is then formed from leakage points. The leakage point is an opening between deep veins and superficial veins. It creates an extra pathway for blood which is responsible for the dilation of varicose veins.

This leakage point, may be located in the groin (the saphenous butt) or at the perforating veins (veins that perforate the muscle from the deep veins to the superficial veins). These perforating veins may be found at various levels from the groin to the feet.

It is from the defective valves which are supposed to be "anti-reflux", that varicose veins arise.


Why does one develop venous insufficiency ?


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Contact us

237, Bd Zerktouni, Rond Point Racine - Casablanca - Maroc
Phone : 0522 94 38 96 / 97
Fax : 0522 36 28 51
E-mail : benkirane.oumnia@gmail.com